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How To Palm Strike-Open Fist Punch With An Eye Gouge

Writer: william demuthwilliam demuth

Palm Strike Or Open Fist Overview Palm strikes are rarely seen in competitive sports because of the propensity of the accidental and illegal eye gouge however these strikes are underrated, more effective, and safer in many environments. If you're not bound by rules why not take advantage of some of the benefits of palm strikes. MMA fight.

A palm strike and a fist punch are both effective striking techniques, but each has its advantages and considerations. Whether a palm strike is better than a fist punch depends on the specific situation and your goals. Here are some reasons why a palm strike might be preferred in certain scenarios:

  1. Reduced Risk of Hand Injury: When you deliver a punch with a closed fist, there's a higher risk of injuring your hand, particularly if you hit a hard or bony surface. A palm strike spreads the force across the palm, reducing the risk of fracturing or spraining your fingers or knuckles.

  2. Wider Surface Area: The palm provides a wider striking surface compared to a closed fist. This can be advantageous for hitting larger targets, such as an opponent's face or chest, and can increase the likelihood of making contact.

  3. Versatility: Palm strikes are versatile and can be used in various directions and angles. You can strike with the bottom of the palm (heel), the base of the fingers (knife hand), or even the edge of the hand (ridge hand). This adaptability allows for a broader range of targeting options.

  4. Less Recoil: When you throw a punch, especially with power, there's a natural recoil that follows the impact. This recoil can momentarily expose you to counterattacks. Palm strikes tend to have less recoil, allowing for quicker follow-up techniques or maintaining a defensive posture.

  5. Effective for Close-Quarters Combat: In close-quarters combat, where there may not be enough room to generate a full-fisted punch, palm strikes can be more effective. They can be executed with less wind-up and are suitable for confined spaces.

  6. Open Hand Techniques: Many self-defense systems incorporate open-hand techniques like palm strikes for close-quarters encounters. These techniques are often part of a broader strategy that includes joint locks, throws, and controls.

  7. Less Likely to Break the Skin: Closed-fist punches, especially if wearing rings or other jewelry, can break the skin upon impact, potentially causing injury to both the striker and the target. Palm strikes are less likely to cause such injuries.

It's important to note that the choice between a palm strike and a fist punch should be based on the specific situation, your level of training, and your personal comfort and effectiveness with each technique.

How To Palm strike-Open Fist punch Review the shape of the hand for the Palm Strike Jab Cross  Position the fingers like you holding a grapefruit.
How To Palm strike-Open Fist punch Review the shape of the hand for the Palm Strike Jab Cross Position the fingers like you holding a grapefruit.

How To Palm strike-Open Fist Punch

Palm striking allows you to hit more contact areas which increases odds of hitting a target. The strike is safer and more effective when used on hard targets such as bone, body armor, or helmets. Since you're less worried about injury. You can increase your energy output.

Palm strikes have the benefit of the incidental eye gouge, grip possibilities, and less telegraphing. They are effective at close range at and distance, stand up and ground. Photo 1 illustrates the the shape of the hand for the Palm Strike Jab Cross

This strike will be performed from a thinking or ready stance Keeping a 50/50 weight distribution on the balls of your feet. Keeping your chin down with a relaxed movement.

Step inside the strike zone while extended you’re the palm. Accelerate using core and rotate your hips.

Move-in the direction of strike and plunge body weight and leg strength into the strike. Note the position of feet after the strike.

Let’s Take a Look at Some The Palm Strike Variations and Targets. Transition into a chin jab Nose /Eyes and Ear. Let's take a look at the positioning of the hand and fingers for an ear strike Make the shape of a cupping water cup however, keep your hand muscle relaxed not tense.

Very Important! Hook palm strikes should be performed with a slight bend in the elbow with the palm always leading the elbow to avoid hyperextension of your arm. Practice the movement slowly and work up to a full hook once you get the mechanics down. If there is any pain stop working this move and focus your effort on the jab-cross palm strike.

Palm strikes can be performed from mount position, you can form a cup and strike the ears. From guard, you can form a cup and strike the ears and side of the head. It can be used knee on opponents belly Video knee on belly and side control. It's important to point out that cupped palm strikes can cause ruptured eardrums. This happens when the cup strike changes the pressure at the moment of impact too fast for the body to adjust. Palm Strike Training Suggestions

Train palm strikes on a heavy bag or pads. Practice different strikes of speed and power to find the sweet spot for your current fitness level. Try variations until you feel the power coming on or falling off. Video or hitting bag Improving your core center mass strength will help all types of strike performance.

Violence Prevention and Self Defense Resources

The goal of the Center for Violence Prevention and Self Defense is to stop violence by educating at-risk people and empower them with the skills needed to protect themselves both online and live training. CVPSD's live training is available to people of all ages in New Jersey including children, adults and the elderly.

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, our mission is to prevent violence by building skills and inspiring individuals to be agents of personal, community & cultural change.

Live conceptual seminars teach the origins of violence and how to assess risk and set boundaries for healthy relationships. Experiential classes teach hands-on interpersonal skills and strategies to prevent and stop assault. Our self defense instruction includes techniques from Jujutsu, MMA, krav maga, Kickboxing, and more.

The Center for Violence Prevention and Self Defense reaches individuals and communities through partnerships with schools and other nonprofits, community groups, as well as classes for the public. By reducing the fear and impact of violence, we help to create a community where people live powerfully, experience freedom.

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