Intelligent Self Protection
About The Center for Violence Prevention and Self-Defense CVPSD
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, our mission is to offer free or low-cost violence prevention and self-defense training, empowering individuals with the skills to become agents of personal, community, and cultural change.
UEI # S97CZNHCFG56 EIN: 934164819
Council Of Nonprofits Member
United Nations Global Marketplace Authorized Supplier
Our Directors
William DeMuth Connect on LinkedIn - Bio
Melissa Dill Connect on LinkedIn - Bio
Making Good Humans Safer
The CVPSD (Center for Violence Prevention and Self-Defense) training program draws on over three decades of rigorous research and expertise curated from subject matter specialists in diverse fields of conflict management, risk mitigation, and prevention. Our method of program development remains unbiased and is continuously refreshed to stay current and effective. Class options include online webinars, as well as public and onsite sessions.
Learn About Our Violence Prevention And Self Defense Classes
The Impact of Workplace Violence Prevention Training by CVPSD -Before And After Survey Results
The Center for Violence Prevention and Self Defense Commitment to Research
Since violence prevention is not a one-size-fits-all concept. CVPSD can customize violence prevention and risk management classes to address the specific needs that align with an organization's compliance policies.
Partnerships with the Center for Violence Prevention and Self Defense can be a strategic and impactful decision for several reasons. Learn About Our Partnerships